Dear Friends:
With the end of Simchat Torah this past Wednesday night, the fall holiday season is over and we are back to a more normal schedule.
I will be restarting my Thursday night Adult Education classes soon, with the first Rashi class on Thursday Oct. 21 and Contemporary Jewish Controversies returning on October 28. I have been teaching the weekly Torah portion with Rashi’s commentary now for about 7 years but with classes being suspended over the summer and not restarting until after the Fall holidays, I have never taught the portions that occur during that time frame. So this year instead of looking at the coming week’s readings we will be looking at Rashi’s commentary on the book of Deuteronomy. The Rashi class will be the first and third Thursdays of the month and Contemporary Jewish Controversies the second and fourth Thursdays. If there is a fifth Thursday in a particular calendar month there will be no class that night.
Speaking of Torah study, I want to thank Allen Katz, Dee Jolles, and Michael Zapor who gave thoughtful and meaningful talks Wednesday morning for Simchat Torah dealing with their favorite or most influential passage in the Torah. The texts of their talks will be posted on our website within the next few days.
You will not get an email from me this coming Monday morning October 4 as I will be in the NY area visiting family. My father has been struggling with some severe health difficulties. As I write this he is back in the hospital for the third time in about a month.
As always, if I can do anything for you or you need to talk, please contact me at or 301-977-0768 rather than through the synagogue office. Although I am working primarily from home, I am happy to meet you at the synagogue by appointment.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Charles L. Arian